Climate Comedy Cohort: Induction Stoves (Video 1/9)

CCC: Autotopia Exposed (Video 5/9)

CCC: I Can Walk (Video 4/9)

CCC: Aunties (Video 3/9)

Climate Comedy Cohort: Save Your Guilt (Video 2/9)

CCC: Might Could – Vegan Cheese (6/9)

CCC: 5 EV Tips (Video 7/9)

CCC: Soil Santa (Video 8/9)

CCC: Conquer The Sun StandUp (Video 9/9)

Climate Comedy Cohort
The Climate Comedy Cohort is a group of comedians making videos about how individuals can help drive the adoption of solutions to cut carbon pollution.
Created by Generation180 and the Center for Media & Social Impact
Featuring: Pratima Mani, Robert Mac, Mark Kendall, Reem Edan, Rasheda Crocket, Kacee Conlee, Sami Brownowski, Ashley Brooke Roberts, Leah Bonnema